How are laboratory-grown diamonds graded?

Laboratory-grown diamonds undergo the same grading process as mined diamonds, which assesses the four C's of diamond quality: Cut, Color, Carat, and Clarity. One of the most significant benefits of using laboratory-grown diamonds is that it ensures excellent quality control, resulting in high-quality diamonds every single time.

Learn more about the four C's grading system:

Carat (ct): Measures the weight of the diamond (1ct=1/5gram).

Clarity: Measures the presence of inclusions (materials trapped inside the diamond). Rated from Flawless (F) to Included (I).

Color: Measures the lack of color in a diamond. The range spans from perfectly colorless (D), which is considered the highest quality with the highest value, to light (Z), which indicates that the diamond has brownish or yellowish tones and is therefore of lower quality.

Cut: Measures the quality of the cut based on several indicators including symmetry, pattern, and scintillation.

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